Dr Sinéad Murphy is lecturer in aquatic ecology at GMIT since 2015. Previously, she was a Marie Curie Fellow at the Institute of Zoology, Zoological Society of London and a Research Fellow at University of St Andrews, Scotland. Her research has focused on the independent and interactive effects of stressors in the environment on wildlife populations and how to monitor and manage those adverse activities. Stressors such as pollutants, incidental capture of marine mammals in fishing gear, prey depletion and environmental change. Additionally, her work has explored at what level marine mammal species should be conserved and assessed (i.e. population or management/assessment unit) and produced conservation priorities as well as management strategies (for human activities) for those conservation units. She has held positions on a number of intergovernmental working groups, and her work has informed conservation management advice to government departments, inter-governmental organizations such as ICES, ASCOBANS, and OSPAR, and the European Commission.
website: sites.google.com/view/sinead-murphy