Dr Simon Berrow

Lecturer and Researcher
+353 (0)91 742296

As a Lecturer at GMIT I contribute to the Applied Freshwater and Marine Honours Degree and the IMBRSea International Masters programme on marine mammal survey techniques. I also supervise several undergraduates and post-graduates and research projects. I have  been working on cetaceans (whales, dolphins and mammals) in Ireland since 1987 and have also worked in the Antarctic and more recently in Cabo Verde off West Africa.  I established the Irish Whale and Dolphin Group in 1990 and continue to manage its activities. Through the IWDG I set up the Shannon Dolphin Project in the Shannon Estuary in 1993 and continue to manage a long-term monitoring programme. I have been involved in developing best practice for the conservation and management of cetaceans in Ireland including small scale coastal surveys and acoustic monitoring. I have carried out a large number of environmental impact and marine mammal risk assessments and have also worked extensively on seabirds and basking sharks.

Irish Whale and Dolphin Group – https://iwdg.ie/


Funded by the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI), U-AVES is an industry/academic partnership between ATU, BlueWise Marine, A-TechSYN, and Energia Renewables.  The project aims to investigate the use of a long endurance fixed wing vertical take off and landing (VTOL) uncrewed aerial vehicle (UAV) to conduct large scale, offshore ecological surveys for seabirds and marine mammals.
Project profile
This project, along with its multi-disciplinary team, is looking at assessing the use of Uncrewed Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) to monitor MPAs and provide best-practice advice on their use. This includes the investigation of UAV flyover methods to monitor fishing activities, evaluating the abundance and distribution of biological features of interest, and quantifying the nature and extend of anthropogenic activities within selected case studies. This work aspires to generate novel approaches to monitoring, complementing the objectives of the National Marine Planning Framework by outlining how human activities interact with each other in MPAs.
Humpback, Dingle Bay Nick Massett
Humpback whales in Irish waters: a partnership with the IWDG
Simon Berrow IWDG
The aim of this project is to investigate the influence of environmental and observational effects on Harbour Porpoise survey counts from the NPWS monitoring programme conducted across three spatial areas of conservation in 2007, 2008, 2013-2016 and 2018.
Randal Counihan IWDG
GMIT are working in collaboration with Dublin Port and RPS Consulting Engineers to assess the use of Dublin Bay by harbour porpoise and impact s of anthropogenic noise.
This collaboration between GMIT and the Irish Whale and Dolphin Group (lead partners) and Cork Regional Veterinary Laboratory aimed to establish the cause of death of stranded dolphins and porpoises and recover tissues for research purposes.
SeaMonitor is a novel and comprehensive project, the first of its kind in Europe, which will establish a number of large scale marine telemetry arrays to track mobile marine fauna in the seas around Northern Ireland, the Republic of Ireland and the west of Scotland.
GMIT are working in collaboration with Woodside PLC, an Australian Oil and Gas company, using an acoustic dataset to model sperm whale and long-finned pilot whale occurrence in the Porcupine SeaBight.
This three year project (2015-2018), aimed to provide robust scientific knowledge with respect to protected species occurrence and ecology along the Irish Atlantic Margin.