Dr Luca Mirimin

Lecturer in Aquatic Ecology

Dr Luca Mirimin, Lecturer in Aquatic Ecology at ATU and Researcher in Conservation Genetics and Applied Molecular Ecology at MFRC.

I hold an honours degree in Natural Sciences from University of Ferrara, Italy (2002) and a PhD in Zoology from University College Cork, Ireland (2007). Prior to my current academic position, I had been a researcher in several projects in UK, South Africa and Ireland. My research interests are in the development and application of molecular tools to aid aquatic ecosystems health and sustainable seafood production.


This is a PhD scholarship held by Marina Vingiani and co-funded by ATU (Galway, Ireland) and ISMAR-CNR (Italy)
The PSPSafe project is a 4-years project funded by DAFM and involving a collaboration between the Marine Institute, ATU and UCD, to elucidate the causes and identifying potential upcoming impacts of a recent increase of Paralytic Shellfish Toxins (PSTs) in Irish shellfish.
The primary aim of this CULLEN fellowship is to validate and implement DNA-based methods for the detection and quantification of Harmful Algal Bloom (HAB) species in Irish coastal waters and sediments into a routine monitoring programme.
The main aim of this project is to disentangle genetic structure and adaptive potential of mussels in Irish waters to understand native vs non-indigenous species dynamics and enable sustainable seafood production.
Lake surrounded by Conifer forest
This research will determine a baseline list of biological communities, comprising aquatic and semi-aquatic plants, invertebrates and vertebrates of dystrophic lakes and pools within Nephin Forest using eDNA.
This Marine Institute funded research project led by ATU Galway City aims to gather and assess baseline habitat composition and structure, and bird population data in Nephin Forest within Wild Nephin National Park
Environmental DNA/RNA metabarcoding for monitoring marine biodiversity in Galway Bay, with particular attention to marine Invasive Alien Species (AIS)
This project aims at developing state-of-the-art molecular tools for the rapid and cost-effective screening of plankton samples for the presence of bivalve and crustacean species of commercial value. This project is in collaboration with BIM and is funded by the European Maritime Fisheries Fund.
The goal of this project is set up a set of novel tools for the detection and monitoring of marine invasive species in Irish coastal waters. This project is funded by the European Maritime Fisheries Fund (EMFF).
The main goal of this project is to develop and apply an environmental DNA (eDNA) protocol for the detection and monitoring of declining Irish Arctic char (Salvelinus alpinus)
This research explored the use of environmental DNA technologies for monitoring pollan (Coregonus autumnalis) in Irish waters