Role of seaweed aquaculture in marine ecosystems

This RISE project builds up on previous field and laboratory investigations conducted in GENIALG aiming to quantify the effect of kelp aquaculture on marine ecosystems. The projects focuses on their impacts on benthic communities and their role in food webs, as biodiversity reservoirs and nursery habitats for fish. This project will determine and quantify the […]

AGD Vaccine Development

The aim of this work is to develop a novel vaccine against Amoebic Gill Disease (AGD). This project is funded by the Knowledge Gateway Scheme, facilitated by an Bord Iascaigh Mhara and will continue until May 2023. 

Genetic screening of zooplankton

This project aims at developing state-of-the-art molecular tools for the rapid and cost-effective screening of plankton samples for the presence of bivalve and crustacean species of commercial value. This project is in collaboration with BIM and is funded by the European Maritime Fisheries Fund.

Fish vaccines

Since 2018, research has been carried out at the MFRC to develop and test the effectiveness of vaccines for the protection of freshwater and marine finfish against disease.  Vaccines were successfully made for administration by immersion, orally, and intraperitoneal injection. More recently, the research focus is on developing nucleic acid and recombinant protein vaccines Project […]

Antimicrobial peptides in seaweed

The aim of the project is to identify and characterise antimicrobial peptides from a range of seaweed species and is particularly focused on the functional effect of the peptides extracted from seaweed products. The research is conducted in a partnership with This is Seaweed Ltd with funding from the GMIT Research and Innovation Strategic Endowment […]

Antimicrobial peptides of Salmo salar

The focus of this project is the functional investigation of antimicrobial peptides in particular beta defensins and cathelicidins from Atlantic Salmon. The research is conducted in collaboration with Dr John Barrett (IT Sligo), and Dr James Brennan (IT Sligo) with funding from the GMIT Research and Innovation Strategic Endowment and GMIT / Connacht Ulster Alliance […]


Funded by the EU H2020 Programme (2017-2021) GENIALG aims to increase the production and exploitation of cultivated seaweed in Europe an environmentally sustainable and socially acceptable manner, maximising its ecosystem services. Work package 6 aims at establishing the environmental footprint and ecosystem services of seaweed aquaculture and it is partly led by National University of […]

Gourmet seafood products

This project explores the feasibility of manufacturing gourmet products from sprat, and tests their product safety, acceptability and quality attributes, contributing to products that will combine a ‘West of Ireland origin’ with high-quality and sustainability. The research is funded through a GMIT Research and Innovation Strategic Endowment award (2018-2020)

Fish ingredients in innovative child-friendly snacks

This project aims to evaluate the development of high-quality, healthy and nutritious seafood products using fish roe, milt and liver, to add value to these under-utilised ingredients. We are investigating the sensory acceptance of these products among young consumers and evaluating digestibility of the nutrients when they are emulsified in food products with a complex […]

Improving Productivity

Read More Contact: Dr Anita Talbot Read More Contact: Dr Colin Hannon Read More Load More