Dr Angéline Lefran

After a master in Marine Biology in Brest (France) and different work experiences on Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs), I defended a PhD on phytoplankton ecology in 2022 in France with Caen University & IFREMER. It was under the European S3-EuroHAB project (2017-2022). My previous work focused on understanding the link between phytoplankton dynamic and environmental […]
Samantha Ball

I graduated from University College Cork with a BSc in Zoology in 2011 and from the University of Exeter (UK) with an MSc in Conservation and Biodiversity in 2017. My PhD research at University College Cork (2018-2022) focused on the Irish hare population at Dublin Airport and utilised ecological survey methods to identify periods of […]
Sherif Abdallah

Sherif is a research assistant in the TRACE-FISH project. He comes to the TRACE-FISH project with an M.S. from the International Master of Marine Biological Resources (IMBRSea). His thesis concentrated on assessing the impact on biodiversity of non-mechanical harvesting of Ascophylum nodosum. He also holds another M.S. in Marine and Atmospheric Sciences from Stony Brook University, […]
Philip Keena

Growing up in the midlands of Ireland I had a passion for angling and a great interest in all things related to freshwater systems and how they work. This led me to do the BSc in Applied Freshwater and Marine Biology in ATU Galway City, completing it in 2017. From this, I learned just how […]
Liam Strachan

I am currently working as a Research Assistant on the BIM Whelk Bait Project. We are developing a sustainable alternative bait to be used in the whelk fishery in Ireland, decreasing overall demands and pressure on existing bait species such as brown crab being used at present. As a budding researcher I am fortunate to […]
Erin Molloy

I completed my undergraduate degree in Zoology at University College Cork in 2017 and completed my masters in Applied Marine and Fisheries Ecology at the University of Aberdeen (Scotland) in 2019. I am currently working as a research assistant on a BIM funded project focused on developing vaccines against amoebic gill disease in farmed Salmon. […]
George Short

My research is focussed on the big picture of how aquatic ecosystems function and how that may be changing due to human impacts. I enjoy working on holistic studies which use a combination of methods to gain an understanding of which organisms live in a particular marine habitat, and how they all interact. At GMIT, […]
Dr Morgane Pommier

I completed my undergraduate degree in Biology and Ecology at Caen University(2014-2017). During this time, I developed a strong enthusiasm for understanding the structure and functioning of marine ecosystems. I continued my studies by joining the IMBRSea master program with a specialization in Applied Marine Ecology and Conservation (2017-2019). My main research interests include spatial […]
Dr María Pérez Tadeo

I hold a B.Sc. in Marine Sciences (University of Vigo), an international M.Sc. in Marine Biodiversity and Conservation (Ghent University), and I completed a Ph.D. in Aquatic Sciences at the Marine and Freshwater Research Centre in ATU (2018-2022), supervised by Dr. Joanne O’Brien and Dr. Martin Gammell. My doctoral research was focused on the factors […]
Alessio Volpato

I joined the Agro-ecology and Rural Development (ARD) group within the MFRC as research assistant in 2019. I work on various projects including the Farm-Eco and Hen Harrier projects, assisting postgraduate students during their laboratory and field work. I hold a BSc and MSc in Environmental Science from Ca’ Foscari University in Venice (Italy). My […]