Improving Productivity

InEVal Logo
The InEVal project aims to develop realistic value-added, innovative products and services from echinoderm bio resources. Focussing on value and sustainability at every step along the full value chain, these resource uses will contribute to zero-waste and circular economies driving a competitive blue bio economy in Europe.
The PSPSafe project is a 4-years project funded by DAFM and involving a collaboration between the Marine Institute, ATU and UCD, to elucidate the causes and identifying potential upcoming impacts of a recent increase of Paralytic Shellfish Toxins (PSTs) in Irish shellfish.
The primary aim of this CULLEN fellowship is to validate and implement DNA-based methods for the detection and quantification of Harmful Algal Bloom (HAB) species in Irish coastal waters and sediments into a routine monitoring programme.
Sea Soil project image
SeaSoil – Value creation and ecosystem services of European seaweed industry by reducing and handling potentially toxic elements  from breeding to soil is an ERA-NET BlueBio cofund project led by NOFIMA in Norway to which the MFRC is a partner through Dr Colin Hannon
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The Aquavitae project aims to introduce new low trophic species, products and processes in marine aquaculture value chains across the Atlantic.
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This project aims to assess the levels of microplastics in two oyster species after depuration