Multifunctional agricultural landscapes
The agricultural landscape of many parts of the country, particularly the uplands and west, are comprised of a diverse mix of land types of varying capacities for food production and a broad range of ecosystem services. The Burren context presents a unique opportunity to investigate the potential for improved integration where a system for payments […]
Funded by the EU H2020 Programme (2017-2021) GENIALG aims to increase the production and exploitation of cultivated seaweed in Europe an environmentally sustainable and socially acceptable manner, maximising its ecosystem services. Work package 6 aims at establishing the environmental footprint and ecosystem services of seaweed aquaculture and it is partly led by National University of […]
Microplastics in freshwater
This multidisciplinary project (2017-2020) involving the Marine and Freshwater Research Centre (MFRC), GMIT, the Centre for Water Resources Research (CWRR) and the Earth Institute, UCD, Wageningen University and Carey Building Contractors is funded by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The project will inform the development and implementation of policy through improved understanding of Microplastic (MP) […]
Bluefin tuna stock structure
The assessment and sustainable management of Atlantic blue fin tuna (ABFT) is challenged by uncertainties surrounding rates of mixing between management areas. MFRC researchers are part of an international collaboration (2014-present), led by AZTI (Spain) which aims to improve knowledge of ABFT population structure and mixing as well as age and growth dynamics. The team […]
Seafood traceability
This research involves using ICP-MS determined trace elemental fingerprints of commercial bivalve shellfish to design a traceability tool to identify the location and date of harvest of produce. Research is in collaboration with NUI Galway, UCD, the Marine Institute, Food Safety Authority of Ireland and the European Food Safety Authority.
Prawn parasites prevail!
Parasites can affect host health and reproduction in various ways, possibly with negative impacts on commercial species. For instance, reduced reproduction due to castration by parasite infection can have a major impact on host populations. We are currently working on the common prawn, Palaemon serratus, an important product of Irish shrimp fisheries and host to […]
FishKOSM aims to increase our operational understanding of sustainable yields in mixed and multi-species fisheries. We are developing exciting modelling and predictive tools based on data and expertise to support an integrated approach to management and decision making, leading to an ecosystem approach to fisheries management. The project focuses specifically on the Celtic Sea and […]
Enabling Sustainability
Contact: Dr Katie O’Dwyer Read More Contact: Dr Heather Lally Read More Contact: Dr Cóilín Minto Read More Contact: Dr Deirdre Brophy Read More Load More
This partnership between GMIT, Teagasc and University College Dublin is funded by the Department of Agriculture Food and the Marine (2019-2020). Across Europe High Nature Value farmland and forests (HNVFF) support high biodiversity including various rare and threatened species. The HNV_FarmForBio project will identify, characterise and map the national extent of HNV farmland and forest […]
Funded by MAREI-SFI and Arramara Limited (2019-2023) ECOHARVEST investigates the effect of two different harvesting procedures on intertidal ecosystems and monitors natural recovery. The research is conducted by PhD candidate Ms. Charlene Linderhof based at NUI Galway. She will compare the effects of harvesting with cutter rake on boats and sickle on land. Ultimately, the […]