Microplastics: implications for policy
This project is coordinated by GMIT and funded by Seas At Risk (2020-2021). The main goal is to produce a technical report focussed on microplastic impacts in the environment while suggesting a set of policy recommendations to mitigate plastic pollution impacts. A wide range of stakeholders from governmental, non-governmental organisations and academics worldwide are being […]
Plastics, Prawns, and Patterns
This is a collaborative project funded by the Marine Institute, Galway, and coordinated by GMIT (2020-2021). The research is investigating microplastic loading and retention times in the Dublin Bay prawn Nephrops norvegicus around the Irish coast. The project will also investigate microplastic concentration within the sediment habitat. The Dublin Bay prawn is an extremely valuable fishery resource within […]
Marine biodiversity monitoring using environmental DNA (eDNA)
Project outputs Foster a network of international collaborators on the application of omics technologies to study marine communities Generate postgraduate opportunities Publish high-impact scientific peer-review papers Funding sources Blue Growth & Marine Planning Scheme, established under the Union Priority 6 (Integrated Maritime Policy) of Ireland’s European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF) Operational Programme. Marine Institute […]
Republic of Ireland Beached Bird Survey
The Republic of Ireland Beached Bird Survey (RIBBS) is a citizen science based research project to assess the potential of beached seabirds as a marine litter monitoring tool in Ireland. Beached seabirds are collected by researchers and volunteers and, the litter content in the stomachs of birds is used as a measure for the presence […]
Harbour Porpoise Statistical Review
The aim of this project is to investigate the influence of environmental and observational effects on Harbour Porpoise survey counts from the NPWS monitoring programme conducted across three spatial areas of conservation in 2007, 2008, 2013-2016 and 2018. First, the detection probability function will be estimated using distant sampling methods extended with covariates in order […]
The Harbour Porpoise in Dublin Bay
Dublin Bay is an important maritime area, both in terms of anthropogenic activity and the marine species that inhabit it. It hosts Ireland’s busiest port, is a popular area for marine recreational activities and has a number of EU Designated habitats through Special Protection Areas (SPAs) and Special Areas of Conservation (SACs). This PhD study […]
Marine Invasive Species Ireland
The goal of this project is to set up novel tools for the detection and monitoring of marine Invasive Alien Species (IAS) in Irish coastal waters. This includes the development of environmental DNA protocols for rapid detection, establishment of a surveillance eDNA database and mapping of marine invasive species. This project is led by GMIT […]
eDNA monitoring of Arctic char
The main goal of this project is to develop and apply an environmental DNA (eDNA) protocol for the detection and monitoring of declining Irish Arctic char (<i>Salvelinus alpinus</i>). This project has seen the participation of several students, academics and researchers since its first iteration in 2015 and it has recently resulted in a peer-reviewed publication […]
Characterising Oligotrophic Lakes
This EPA funded research project (2020-2024) is led by ATU Galway City in partnership with Roden Ecology. The multi-disciplinary team are gathering and assessing baseline data on oligotrophic lakes, allowing for their characterisation under the EU Habitats Directive. The team will determine what physical, chemical and biological monitoring methods and assessment tools are needed to […]
Supply of Vertebrate Necropsy and Sample Recovery Services
This collaboration between GMIT and the Irish Whale and Dolphin Group (lead partners) and Cork Regional Veterinary Laboratory aimed to establish the cause of death of stranded dolphins and porpoises and recover tissues for research purposes. The work was funded through a contract by the Marine Institute between 2017-2019.