My research is focussed on the big picture of how aquatic ecosystems function and how that may be changing due to human impacts. I enjoy working on holistic studies which use a combination of methods to gain an understanding of which organisms live in a particular marine habitat, and how they all interact. At GMIT, I use morphological and molecular identification to assess the communities throughout the food web – from phytoplankton right up to fish. I then use fish stomach content analysis and stable isotope analysis to understand the food web; in the hope that a better understanding of whole-ecosystem functioning will provide the knowledge to preserve these aquatic habitats. Prior to GMIT, my work has focussed on human impacts on the marine environment and the associated conservation and education. Through my honours degree at Aberystwyth University, Masters degree at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) and my previous roles, I have been able to work on issues from the ecotoxicology of crustaceans, to the degradation of coral reefs and the impacts of fishing practices on sea lions.