Dr Angéline Lefran

Post-doctoral Researcher

After a master in Marine Biology in Brest (France) and different work experiences on Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs), I defended a PhD on phytoplankton ecology in 2022 in France with Caen University & IFREMER. It was under the European S3-EuroHAB project (2017-2022). My previous work focused on understanding the link between phytoplankton dynamic and environmental drivers with a special focus on toxins producing species. I used different novel approaches such as functional traits and ecological niches.

In the context of climate change, studying the primary producers’ responses is essential to better apprehend the future of our coastal ecosystems. Since April 2024, I am working as part of the MFRC team as a postdoctoral researcher within the Cli-PhI project; Ocean CLImate variability and PHytoplankton in Irish coastal waters. During the 4 years of the project, I will aim at understanding past marine phytoplankton dynamics at the national scale and the effects of environmental drivers. With statistical and modelling approaches, I hope to be able to develop tools to better follow and forecast phytoplankton’s responses to ocean variability and help prevent health and economic impacts from HABs events.



Naviculaceae image taken using confocal microscopy by Angeline Le Fran at CMABio3, Caen (France)
The Cli-PhI project brings together experts in ecology, statistics, harmful algal blooms and oceanography to build comprehensive understanding of spatial and temporal patterns in phytoplankton abundance, diversity, and distribution in Irish coastal waters.